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Human-Centered Design
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Human centered design (HCD) is a problem-solving approach that Final Mile uses throughout our project work. We bring mindsets of collaboration, curiosity, empathy and experimentation as we move from a place of understanding to co-creating and testing design concepts and interventions. By focusing on understanding our target users, their decision-making process, the stakeholders involved and the systems they are connected to, we develop a richer understanding that allows us to engage with end users and stakeholders to co-design impactful and sustainable interventions targeting the problem area.


We leverage HCD throughout the project as we seek to build more collaborative moderator onboarding, an empathetic research methodology, co-design of interventions and user-focused testing of design concepts. We value lived experience as much as subject-matter expertise and seek to involve both throughout the process.


Our HCD approach continues to evolve, and we see ourselves as facilitators of the HCD process, which can lead to design with others, rather than design for others. In collaborating with end users, our intention is to co-create interventions that are contextually appropriate, sustainable, and impactful.

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