The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Pakistan (population: 220 million) exceeded 1.2 million at the end of 2021, with around 29,000 deaths registered.
Pakistan has seven approved vaccines being administered to the population. Around 30% of the population had been fully vaccinated by the end of 2021, and an additional 12% partially vaccinated. With the concerted efforts of the Government of Pakistan and international organizations, daily vaccination numbers increased from 400,000 doses in May 2021 to more than 1 million during December 2021.
A study of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in low- and low-middle income countries found that vaccine acceptance was lowest in Burkina Faso (66.5%, CI 63.5–69.5%) and Pakistan (66.5%, CI 64.1–68.9%). In Pakistan, this may be related to negative historical experiences with foreign-led vaccination campaigns.
AS OF 12/2021

Journey to COVID Vaccince Uptake Framework

COVID-19 Disease Appraisal
What do I feel about the COVID-19 disease?
More Details

Seeking Mitigation Strategies
How can I cope with the
COVID-19 risk?
More Details

COVID-19 Vaccine Appraisal
How do I feel about the COVID-19 Vaccine?
More Details

Coping with Vaccine Risk
How can I cope with vaccine risk?
More Details

Vaccination Uptake
How can I get this vaccine?
More Details

Vaccination Adherence
Should I get the second dose?
More Details
This framework captures the Decision Journey to COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake. The journey framework provides a simplified/explanatory representation of the deeper decision dynamics and the process that leads to or impedes COVID-19 vaccination uptake and adherence.
“We gave them the answer that tell us if there was a medicine from which a man would not be a man or a woman won’t be able to birth a child then science could also invent a medicine from which infertile people could give birth. If there is a formula for that.”
– HCW - Peshawar, Pakistan
The decision journey consists of decision stages through which an individual progresses in his/her endeavor to make an informed decision towards COVID-19 vaccine. Each decision stage is characterized by a desired outcome that helps them to move forward in this decision journey. Each one of the desired outcome together creates a positive pathway for vaccine uptake action. But as individual navigate through the decision stages, evaluation that leads to unfavorable assessment of COVID-19 vaccine can deter them off the positive pathway and lead them to drop off the decision stage.
Voices from the Field
“Because I had read about vaccination that what is it actually, when covid viruses get into the body, so I am vaccinated. Because it was a virus, when these have entered my body and the body has created antibodies, so if anything comes from outside of my body, so of course, I will remain immune from that.”
– 18-29, Male, Lahore

“As we look at the people and listen about it from the doctors and also hear about it from tv and newspapers, that it is important to get it. There were also posters pasted over the walls. We watch Geo and Samaa more.”
– 60+, Female, Quetta

“You must have heard that vaccination is not right, those who are getting it are also sick and those who do not get it done they are still alive because of taking precautions. It is better that I do not get vaccination and take precaution.”
– 18-29, Male, Shaikhupura Village